Your Advertising Access Is Restricted Facebook How To Fix [2024’s Guide]

Your advertising access is restricted Facebook how to fix?’ If this is the thing you are wondering about, this article is for you. Being restricted from advertising access is a frustrating issue, but don’t panic. Many Facebook advertisers have been in this situation and fix this problem successfully. Today, I will give you the latest guide on how to unrestrict Facebook advertising access, as well as how to avoid it in the future.

Your Advertising Access Is Restricted Facebook How To Fix
Your Advertising Access Is Restricted Facebook How To Fix

Your Advertising Access Is Restricted Facebook How To Fix?

Before we dive into the solution, it’s necessary to understand this situation. To simplify, when Facebook reviews your ads, it also assesses and monitors you, the advertisers. 

When your ads are rejected, you may also be restricted from advertising on Facebook to some extent for violating its terms, policies, standards, etc.

Advertising restrictions may include:

  • Limit how much you can spend per day on ads
  • Restrict your access to some advertising features
  • Prevent you from advertising entirely on Meta platform

If you find yourself in any of these scenarios, you need to act promptly to get back your access. 

Now, I will show you how to fix your Facebook ads restricted problem step by step.

Understand why you are restricted

Faccebook account is restricted from advertising
Faccebook account is restricted from advertising

First of all, you need to understand the cause of ad restriction. Check the rejected ads and carefully find the violating elements. Maybe you have ever launched the same ads before, without being denied. But Facebook policies change from time to time, so you may see ‘your advertising access is restricted’ due to current updates.

Apart from policy violations, you may also be restricted for other reasons, such as using an inauthentic account, involving in unusual activities, or having connections with other violating ad accounts, etc.

Remove the offending content

After you have identified the violating element, you need to remove them quickly. You can replace the violating content with a compliant copy that is approved by Facebook.

These two steps will increase your opportunity to appeal successfully and regain your advertising access on Facebook. 

Go to Business Support Home

Business Support Home
Business Support Home

Now, we move to the next step. On a computer, you go to Business Support Home (previously Account Quality) at

Select the restricted asset, such as an account or a page, from Account Overview to troubleshoot.

Request review

In the What you can do section on the right of the screen, you will see Facebook’s recommendations, which may include one or more of the following steps:

Confirm identity

Confirm identity
Confirm identity

In most cases, you need to confirm your identity before requesting a review. This process is quick and easy.

To do this, click Request review and follow the steps on the screen.

You may be asked to provide some information as below:

  • Email address linked to your account
  • Mobile phone number for SMS verification
  • Photo of your ID (passport or driver’s license)
  • Payment method that is associated with your account

Complete verification

If Facebook notices any unusual activity, it might ask you to verify your identity to make sure that it’s really you accessing your account and not someone else.

To verify your account, click Start verification from the What you can do section. You may need to provide your email address, ID card or passport, and the payment method associated with the account.

Enable two-factor authentication

If your business portfolio is over 90 days old, you need to enable two-factor authentication to maintain access to all Business Manager tools.

To enable two-factor authentication, you can click Secure your account in the What you can do section, then follow the on-screen steps.

Request a review of restricted asset

Request a review
Request a review

If you believe your account was restricted due to a policy violation, but shouldn’t have been, you can request a review. Facebook will take another look at your case and remove the restriction if it was applied in error.

To request a review, click on Request review, follow steps on the screen, provide the reason why you are requesting, then Submit for review.

Wait for Facebook’s response

After submitting the request, you may need to wait for up to 48 hours, sometimes even longer, to receive Facebook’s response.

  • If your review is successful, you can continue to run ads.
  • If your review is unsuccessful, you can request another review.

Note: Facebook allows a limited number of review requests for advertising restrictions.

What if you can’t remove your Facebook advertising restrictions

You’ve tried everything to get your Facebook advertising restrictions lifted, but nothing seems to work. Now what? I suggest 2 options.

Create a new ad account or business portfolio

You can create a new ad account or business portfolio. However, you should use a different payment method. Facebook might flag your new account if you use the same credit card associated with your restricted account.

If your Facebook user account is banned, then creating a new one is risky. Facebook is good at detecting this and will likely ban the new profile too.

>>> Related: Facebook Create Account For Ads: No Sweat Guide In 2024

Seek help from trusted sources

Some people may choose to use a friend or co-worker’s account, which is also a bad idea. Facebook doesn’t allow this activity, their accounts might also be put at risk.

A better solution is to ask a coworker or, even better, a reputable marketing agency, to create and manage ads for you.

Another option is renting an agency ad account, but make sure to choose a reputable provider like SpeedX Agency. Our Facebook agency ad accounts are verified by Facebook, have no budget limit, and are the best solution to optimize ad metrics and ad performance. 

What Does ‘Your Advertising Access Is Restricted’ Mean?

When Facebook restricts your advertising access, it means they’ve limited your ability to create, manage, or run ads on their platform. These restrictions can affect various assets connected to your advertising activities.

Here’s a breakdown of what restricted access can look like:

Facebook ad account restricted from advertising

  • You cannot create new ad campaigns with this ad account.
  • All your ads running under this account will be paused.

Facebook user account restricted from advertising

  • You cannot create or manage any ads.
  • You cannot create new ad accounts or other advertising assets.

Facebook page restricted from advertising

  • You cannot use that specific Page for any advertising.
  • You can still use your ad account to run ads for other Pages you manage.

Facebook business portfolio restricted from advertising

  • You cannot add or create new ad accounts, meta pixels, custom audiences, and more.

Why Is My Advertising Access Restricted On Facebook?

Facebook wants to maintain a safe and trustworthy advertising environment. When you see the dreaded ‘Your advertising access is restricted’, it means Facebook has detected activity on your account that goes against its advertising policies.

Here are some of the most common reasons for Facebook ad restrictions:

Violating Facebook advertising policies 

Violating advertising policies
Violating advertising policies

Facebook has strict rules about what you can and can’t advertise. Repeated or severe violations can lead to restrictions on your business portfolio, ad account, page or user account.

Here are examples of content that violates Facebook’s policies:

  • Prohibited content: Illegal products or services, tobacco, drugs, weapons, etc.
  • Misleading or deceptive content: False claims, exaggerated promises, misleading visuals.
  • Low-quality content: Grammatical errors, broken links, poor design, disruptive user experience.
  • Discriminatory content: Targeting or excluding users based on race, ethnicity, religion, etc.
  • Sensational content: Exploiting shocking or sensitive topics for attention.

Evading review process and enforcement

Trying to bypass Facebook’s systems will get you in trouble. This includes:

  • Creating multiple accounts or assets to run the same prohibited ads.
  • Running ads without clear business goals to avoid scrutiny.
  • Repeatedly creating new accounts after being banned for violations.

>>> Related: How Long Does Facebook Ad Review Take? 8 Tips To Make It Faster

Too much negative feedback

Receiving too much negative feedback from users can raise red flags. This could include:

  • High volume of hidden ads.
  • Excessive negative comments or reports on your ads.

Inauthentic account

Facebook prioritizes advertisers with authentic accounts. If you are using a fake name, fake profile picture, or impersonating someone else, your account could be restricted or disabled.

Unusual activities

Sudden spikes in ad spend, logins from unusual locations, suspicious account behavior can increase the risk of a restriction due to unusual activity

Protip: Avoid logging into your business tools from unfamiliar locations, as this can trigger security measures. While you’re traveling, you should schedule your ads and organic posts in advance, or delegate management to someone in your usual location.

Relationship with abusive business assets

If your account is linked to other accounts or networks known for policy violations, it can lead to restrictions.

How To Avoid Advertising Access Restricted On Facebook

No advertiser wants to be restricted from advertising access on Facebook. Following these tips can help you maintain your access:

  • Regularly review Facebook’s advertising policies and stay updated on any changes. 
  • Don’t just resubmit a rejected ad without understanding why it was flagged. Analyze the reason and make necessary adjustments.
  • Monitor your ads regularly, address negative feedback and resolve issues promptly.
  • Complete Facebook’s verification process to confirm your identity and legitimacy.
  • Avoid associating with bad accounts known for policy violations or suspicious activity.
  • Report any suspicious behavior on your account to Facebook immediately.


This article has equipped you with the knowledge to tackle the question ‘Your advertising access is restricted Facebook how to fix’. By applying these strategies, you can increase your chances of removing restrictions and continue to run your ads.

But remember, prevention is always the best medicine. By understanding the causes, embracing proactive measures, staying informed about policy updates, and prioritizing authenticity in your advertising, you can avoid a future ban and enjoy a restriction-free experience with Facebook advertising.


  • Phung Thai Hoc

    Phung Thai Hoc is a digital marketing expert (content marketing; social marketing; ppc;...) with more than 10 years of experience and founder of SpeedX Agency. He has successfully implemented hundreds of projects, each project bringing in 2 to 3 times more revenue than normal. In addition, he is also trying to share his knowledge with everyone to optimize marketing campaigns


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